Title: “Spectral Imaginings: Encounters with Broken Time/Space in Contemporary British Theatre”
Mireia Aragay is Professor of English Literature and Theatre in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and English Studies, University of Barcelona, and Life Fellow of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. She is Principal Investigator of the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group and has led four funded projects in this field of research. She is currently a member of the research team working on the project “Gender, Affect and Care in Twenty-First Century British Theatre”, funded by the Spanish Research Agency (PID2021-126448NA-I00). Her publications include the edited or coedited volumes Books in Motion: Adaptation, Intertextuality, Authorship (2005), British Theatre of the 1990s: Interviews with Directors, Playwrights, Critics and Academics (2007), Ethical Speculations in Contemporary British Theatre (2014), the special issue “Theatre and Spectatorship” (Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, 2016), Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in 21st-century British Drama and Theatre (2017) and Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre: Exploring Feeling on Page and Stage (2021). From January 2019 to December 2021 she was editor in chief of Atlantis, the journal of the Spanish Association of English Studies (AEDEAN).

Virginia Pulcini is Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Torino, Italy (Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures). She has published in several fields of English linguistics, lexicography and contact linguistics. Her most productive research area is the lexical influence of English on Italian. She compiled the Italian entries of the Dictionary of European Anglicisms (Görlach, 2001), contributed to the volume English in Europe (2002, OUP), and co-edited the volume The Anglicization of European Lexis (Benjamins, 2012). She is a founding member of the international research team GLAD (Global Anglicism Database). She was Principal Investigator of the national project “English in Italy: Linguistic, Educational and Professional Challenges” (2012-2016) and partner of the Erasmus+ Project “Transnational Alignment of English Competences for University Lecturers” (2017-2020). She is the author of the forthcoming monograph The Influence of English on Italian. Lexical and Cultural Features (2023, De Gruyter).